CAST Manage

CAST Programme Lifecycle Management The Challenge Ongoing Lifecycle Management of Your Programme Most cyber risk assessments provide a paper-based report detailing weaknesses in security posture and offering recommendations for remediation. However, this point-in-time report does nothing to help track your progress as you begin your risk mitigation programme. This is why OT teams struggle to […]

CAST Action

CAST Risk-Prioritised Action Planning The Challenge Creating, Implementing and Tracking a Risk Mitigation Programme With hundreds – sometimes thousands – of risks identified, knowing where and how to start can be a daunting task for OT teams. Tracking actions in spreadsheets and chasing owners for status updates over email is an inefficient approach to managing […]

CAST Visualisation

CAST Data Visualisation and Benchmarking The Challenge Extracting Valuable Data Visualising and interpreting assessment data is essential to communicate risk posture to senior stakeholders. Traditional paper based assessments provide point-in-time scores that are difficult to visualise and struggle to engage business leaders and key sponsors. The Solution CAST: Data Visualisation CAST displays assessment data on […]


CAST Cyber Risk Assessment The Challenge Inconsistent Assessment Approaches Cybersecurity assessments of OT networks, assets and procedures are often completed on a site by site basis, with differing approaches and frameworks followed. This makes it difficult to drive consistency across the enterprise which reduces accuracy and value of any data produced. The Solution CAST: Cyber […]

CAST Inventory

CAST OT Asset Inventory Management The Challenge Maintaining an Accurate Asset Inventory Creating an Operational Technology (OT) asset inventory that is up-to-date and fully complete is a difficult and time-consuming task. Keeping track of devices from multiple vendors, plant upgrades and decommissioned kit, OT owners struggle to get an accurate picture of their network and […]


Experience CAST Industrial Cybersecurity Risk Management See how the CAST solution enables OT teams to easily translate industrial cybersecurity posture to business stakeholders. Schedule a demo Book a personalised tour of our solution. See first-hand how CAST can help you digitise your cyber risk management.

CAST Pricing

CAST Pricing Site Deploy CAST in your mission critical facilities £9,750 Per site, per annum 2 to 9 sites Enterprise Deploy CAST across your entire Enterprise £ Let’s Talk Per site, per annum. For organisations of 10 or more sites Full CAST functionality, including: Unlimited Users Unlimited OT Assets Unlimited Assessments & Action Plans Unlimited […]

CAST Documentation

CAST Documentation End User License Agreement (EULA)Privacy PolicyService Level Agreement (SLA)DefinitionsUser GuideRelease NotesFAQs End-User License Agreement This End-User License Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the terms and conditions upon which Licensee has obtained a license regarding the Menditect Application(s) through a Menditect Partner or Menditect directly, as the case may be. Menditect and Licensee shall herein referred […]

CAST Solution Overview

SOLUTION OVERVIEW The Cyber Risk Management Hub for operational technology Transform the way you manage cybersecurity risk within manufacturing with our purpose built solution. CAST is an assessment and management tool that identifies security weaknesses in operational technology systems and processes, enabling the deployment and lifecycle management of cyber security solutions. The CAST Platform Build […]